Winter-Summer terms will meet fully online & Fall term will meet in a hybrid format
Winter-Summer terms will meet fully online & Fall term will meet in a hybrid format
If God is calling you to become a pastor, but you do not see seminary as a reality for you, then you may want to consider serving as a licensed local pastor by completing licensing school and pursuing the Five-Year Course of Study program.
The Course of Study is prescribed by the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM)—Division of Ordained Ministry (¶ 1421.3d). In prescribing the COS, the Division of Ordained Ministry is responsible for developing curriculum, purpose and learning goals; providing resources; establishing, maintaining, and evaluating Course of Study Schools; keeping central records on all students, and reporting on student progress to each Board of Ordained Ministry every year. For more information, please visit GBHEM.
Regional Course of Study Schools are established by the Division of Ordained Ministry at locations central to the student populations, taking into consideration such factors as availability of United Methodist theological school faculty, library resources, dormitory space, the density of student populations, etc. Full time local pastors shall attend one of the approved Regional Course of Study Schools.
The Course of Study School of Ohio, one of the eight regional COS schools, is housed at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO) located in Delaware, Ohio. It offers both the Five-Year COS and Advanced COS. Five-Year COS classes are held in four two-week-end sessions. Three terms meet fully online, with both synchronous and asynchronous class time, and the fall term meets in a hybrid format, with one weekend in-person on the MTSO campus and the rest of the class online.
A vital aspect of our program is the integrated opportunity for spiritual formation, with worship services during both fully online and hybrid terms.
The Course of Study School of Ohio (COSSO) offers both the Five-Year Course of Study, as well as the Advanced Course of Study through the Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO). Our faculty is comprised of instructors from MTSO and neighboring institutions, and of well-qualified persons from the surrounding community. They are all academically gifted, theologically grounded, and deeply committed to developing faithful and transforming leadership for the church.
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