Winter-Summer terms will meet fully online & Fall term will meet in a hybrid format
Winter-Summer terms will meet fully online & Fall term will meet in a hybrid format
The question each weekend at COSSO is, How can we keep from singing? When you are sitting in the Centrum (chapel) each weekend during worship and we sing a hymn or the Choir sings an anthem, everything changes. The music reverberates through the room and touches our souls in a way that nothing else can. Maybe it’s the way our voices blend during the singing, or maybe it’s the way the Choir’s voices touch our souls, or maybe it’s the way the organ or piano music reaches deep inside us reminding us of the sacredness of worship, and maybe it’s the reminder that we are in the presence of the Holy One who called us into ministry in the first place. Whatever it is and if music touches you in a way that nothing else can, then you are invited to join the COSSO Choir. There are no auditions, just a love for music. This is an opportunity to sing because you love to sing, and to learn something about music at the same time.
The Choir meets every Saturday on course weekends to rehearse songs for the Saturday Eucharist and Graduation services. If you are still apprehensive or have any questions, please talk to our music director, Lori Douglas Weaver or email her at, and join the COSSO Choir group on Populi. Otherwise, we will see you at the next Choir rehearsal.
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