Winter-Summer terms will meet fully online & Fall term will meet in a hybrid format
Winter-Summer terms will meet fully online & Fall term will meet in a hybrid format
Please email to request past syllabi. 2025 syllabi are/will be posted on the 2025 Schedule page.
Weekends: Feb 16-17 & March 15-16
Crs#: Title Instructor
123: Formation & Discipleship B. Buckwell
221: Bible II: Torah & Israel's History P. Kim
323: Theological Heritage III: Medieval-Reformation J. Jaynes
423: Mission G. Rowley
521: Bible V: Acts, Epistles & Revelation M. Powell
Reg Deadline: 12/18/2023
Weekends: April 12-13 & May 3-4
Crs#: Title Instructor
121: Theological Heritage I: Introduction M. Zapor Cruz
124: Transformative Leadership S. Trefz
222: Theological Heritage II: Early Church B. White
321: Bible III: Gospels M. Powell
424: Ethics S. Werner
522: Theology in the Contemporary Church W. Wilson
Reg. deadline: 2/12/2024
Weekends: July 12-13 & Aug. 2-3
Crs#: Title Instructor
121: Bible I: Introduction W. Bryant
224: Administration & Polity E. Conley
323: Congregational Care D. Lewis
422: Theological Heritage IV: Wesleyan Movement D. Flores
524: Theological Reflection: Practice of Ministry G. Messer
Reg. deadline: 5/13/2024
Weekends: Sept. 13-14 & Oct. 11-12
Crs#: Title Instructor
In-person in September, online in October:
121: Theological Heritage I: Introduction S. Lancaster
223: Worship & Sacraments R. Dillon
324: Preaching (FULL) X. Johnson
Online in September, in-person in October:
421: Bible IV: Prophets, Psalms & Wisdom Lit P. Kim
523: Evangelism S. Kisker
Reg. deadline: 7/15/2024